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  • 07 August at 04:59 - by marlamad - 2511 views


Has anyone else heard of it please???

11 Answers

I don’t know a lot about it but it does seem to be becoming a bit of a new trend. From what I understand there are a few companies out there who are selling this option. Have a search for more info on the net.

08 August at 15:12 - by Clare_G

Thanks for the advice I will most certainly have a look!

08 August at 18:49 - by  marlamad

I have read about this too. From what I understand it works with you lending money to individuals in small amounts as if you were a bank. It seems that you can earn a return of about 6% or more.  Doesn’t sound bad to me!

09 August at 19:00 - by manEdinburgh

Are there minimum or maximum amounts that you can lend then?

10 August at 00:29 - by  marlamad

You are investing in other people and their goals but it doesn’t have to be large sums of money the money you invest can be split into amounts as small as £25 over various numbers of loans.

11 August at 07:02 - by manEdinburgh

Couldn’t that get a bit confusing and messy with lending to so many people?

11 August at 07:35 - by  marlamad

That’s why you do it via a company who has experience in organisation and paperwork. Many people believe that it’s a great alternative to the stock market.

12 August at 14:32 - by manEdinburgh

Is it easy to get started then??

12 August at 20:31 - by  marlamad

I haven’t actually tried it myself so I can only go on what I’ve read but it seems that it’s easy to sign up and get started and you can open an account with as little as £1000. The percentage you earn increases on the basis of how risky the loan is. For example you would get an average of 6% for safer loans and more for riskier loans.

12 August at 20:59 - by manEdinburgh

Great I’m going to do some investigating as it seems like a really good option to be.

12 August at 21:11 - by  marlamad

Glad to have helped.

14 August at 00:12 - by manEdinburgh
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