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Selling on Amazon

  • 17 November at 12:27 - by investaddict - 6220 views


Although perhaps not a strictly investment question, although it does have to do with income:  I came accross a bloke the other day who makes a 6 figure income selling products on Amazon. Anyone know anything?

9 Answers

No but I hope someone on here does cos that sounds well interesting

17 November at 17:49 - by Mark_elliott

Ah ha:  I came across a bloke too was it on social media?

18 November at 22:18 - by karen916


18 November at 23:00 - by  investaddict


19 November at 00:34 - by karen916

You are all so skeptical!  It’s well known in online circles that the best passive income you can have nowadays is an online shop on Amazon.  All you have to do is have the knowhow to set it up, and naturally the products!

20 November at 06:10 - by candycarrots

We are clearly not in such “online cirlces” mate

22 November at 09:06 - by karen916

Clearly not

22 November at 09:52 - by candycarrots

Tell us more mate

23 November at 12:46 - by Mark_elliott

Bascially, all you need are your own products with a barcode on them...You source them, then they are sold through Amazon and they are in charge of sending them out to the customer.  You can make an absoute fortune, but of course you need to have a credible brand, like a fitness brand or a beauty brand etc etc

24 November at 14:18 - by candycarrots
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