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Business takeover Spain

  • 02 April at 14:00 - by alanphinvst - 4063 views


Hello everyone,

I will definitely go to Spain to open my own business in a few weeks. I have always been self-employed so it should not be a problem. However, I am having a hard time getting to know how a business takeover works in a foreign country. Is there someone who has already taken over a business in Spain and can help me?
Thank you

27 Answers

The business takeover in Spain is a delicate issue...

I only can recommend to consult a lawyer before close a contract. First, the lawyer should clarify whether the intended transaction has the necessary license at all. The new agreement should also be necessarily concluded with the owner, otherwise you automatically take over all liabilities of the predecessor which are still open.

27 April at 14:29 - by oakley2013

I opened a shop in Barcelona last year.  In my case the ‘Traspaso’ included not only the purchase of the existing goods, but also the furniture. We informed the owner and the existing lease went smoothly! Except that the operating permit has been changed at the responsible town hall. Hope this info has been helpful.

08 May at 10:07 - by SusanBlue62

I also took over a bar years ago and had to renew all licenses again (license approval, opening hours, etc.).

These existed already from the predecessor but, as the operator changed, everything had to be rolled up again. I could not quite understand...

15 May at 20:21 - by neptune675

I rented for my nail studio a commercial space directly from the owner. I had to equip the space myself... like for example air conditioning, electrical connections, etc. I didn’t know that I had to take care of it!! In a future take over, I can let these costs flow into the tee-off sum.

30 May at 11:05 - by karen916

I’ve done some research and I think I will try to take over a restaurant in Malaga.

02 June at 12:58 - by  alanphinvst

Best of luck alanphinvst!

02 June at 14:13 - by karen916

I am intrigued as we are thinking of getting a bar near Marbella…any advice at all?

09 August at 00:04 - by anna-snow

I took all the advice that the kind people on here gave me! I have had my restaurant in Benalmadena for 5 months now we didn’t get one in Malaga in the end as Benalmadena was much better value and more touristic trade we swapped out lifestyles too and reallly really happy it hard work but it is a great life

10 August at 09:53 - by  alanphinvst

what a success story!

11 August at 08:50 - by anna-snow

I am so pleased you did it!!

11 August at 19:04 - by SusanBlue62

and we took everyone's advice at it all went very smoothly. laugh

11 August at 20:21 - by  alanphinvst

ok so I need to make sure I know what's included

15 August at 06:58 - by anna-snow

just watch out for the licences mate they can really sting you on those especially if your not used to the spanish system but judt keep your eyes open follow sound advice and you will be fine.

18 August at 11:01 - by neptune675

thankss this is really good! yes

19 August at 01:09 - by anna-snow

So guys, I'm back again if anyone is still on here.  I am releaved to say that we haven't donne anythign yet in light of a sixth sense at the end of last year and obviously the current crisis.  What has happened to your businesses?  Because we really want to start a new life in Marbs but are clealry worried now.

01 June at 08:29 - by anna-snow

Susan!  So what's the situatio over there?

02 June at 06:55 - by anna-snow

Well what a nightmare if ever I saw one I mean who could have believed gthis would happen its incredible

02 June at 07:29 - by SusanBlue62

we're headed back into lockdown I think…I managed to open the shop last month and fortunately it had done well enough to carry us through and something you must think about seriously is how and on what basis you employ staff.

07 June at 07:54 - by SusanBlue62

theey have a hell of a lot more rights than in the UK there are no zero hours contracts here honestly, Google it, it's a minefield I mean no one expected a pandemic of course but the upshot is you still have to pay them

08 June at 02:27 - by SusanBlue62

why is that?

08 June at 06:03 - by anna-snow

I hear you it's been awlful and if you're not bankrupted by the fact that you can’t open and have no customers your bankrupted by your staff!

13 June at 01:51 - by  alanphinvst


16 June at 10:59 - by anna-snow

although I have to say that since we've been allowed to reopen business has been good but we have had to half our capacity

17 June at 02:10 - by  alanphinvst

yup same here mate agree with all the above.  Love, are you still so keen on Marbs?  It is so expensive although thinking out loud, you might get some real bargains as people kare going out of business…awlfull time for the trade

08 July at 09:10 - by neptune675

I had never thought of that…I would feel terrible though

11 July at 10:57 - by anna-snow

business is business you have to get harder

13 July at 12:42 - by neptune675

yes indeed

17 July at 08:08 - by anna-snow
Answer the question

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