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Classic Car Collection

  • 15 July at 19:05 - by benjamin-wood - 7102 views


I’m a big classic car fan and although I know a lot about them as machines I don’t know anything about the market in general. I know they cost a lot and people like them but I don’t know if it’s a good place to invest some of my hard earned cash or not. Any advice would be appreciated.

8 Answers

I have seen a lot about classic cars lately! That they are a really good bet to invest in and can give up to a 28% return in 12 months compared to an average of 10% return on coins. Of course as always good idea to get some expert advice first!

16 July at 12:01 - by alanphinvst

Yes I think you are right I’ve seen that cars are the stars of investments at the moment!

17 July at 07:40 - by Josh-1Carlson

Thank you so much for you advice! Great news! I think I am going to take the plunge! Only thing now is to decide which one to buy. Of course I will get some fun out of the devil before I sell it on.

17 July at 19:14 - by  benjamin-wood

From what I have seen there are loads to choose from but depends on your budget.  To give you an example at the cheaper end of the scale you have the Porsche Boxster 986 which starts from around £5000 + and then at the top end of the scale you have the Porsche 993 GT which can go for £1m +!!!!!!! But if you are looking for something in between it seems that the Alfa Spider can be bought at a steal from £15.000 to £20.000 so that should give you something to go on.

18 July at 07:27 - by alanphinvst

Big difference in prices ranges but yes some look do-able! Don’t think I will be getting the Porsche 993 though somehow!!! In a perfect world …. Or being positive … all in good time!

20 July at 19:36 - by  benjamin-wood

Well there is a lot of variation but that’s a good thing - you start low and then see how it goes, sell for a profit and then move up the scale. Seems like there is always a market for these cars and the sky is the limit

21 July at 14:58 - by Josh-1Carlson

You have to be in it to win it as they say! But yes I agree very flexible on the amounts you can buy for so in the beginning you can start with cheaper ones to see how it goes.

21 July at 20:00 - by alanphinvst

Thanks again I will let you know how I get on and of course you will be first to know if I ever do get my Porsche 933!!!!

22 July at 17:22 - by  benjamin-wood
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