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Investing in influencer

  • 03 Dicember at 12:13 - by alexpho - 5210 views


Is it worth investing in an influencer/s to promote my product?  Is it a good investment?

11 Answers

Wow, what a great title and something so relelvent.  I admit I had never thought about this aspect of income generation before, but having had a quick look into it, I see that I have been missing a trick with my business!  Thanks for the idea!

03 Dicember at 21:22 - by brandon6210

No worries mate that’s what forums for 

05 Dicember at 02:27 - by  alexpho

This is becoming ever more popular especially since the advent of IG.  I think originally people were sceptical about this sort of marketing but people buy from people they trust, so it follows that influencers are a great marketing tool.

05 Dicember at 20:57 - by rod.b.urkey

its way mainstream did you know that Kylie Jenner earns up to $1.3 million from one promoted post?!

07 Dicember at 01:13 - by RRPH

really wow so imagine how much that product would earn the supplier?

08 Dicember at 21:58 - by  alexpho

exactly.  It is normal nowadays and very much the way forward.  Just get an influcencer relelvent to your product and it’s a much better investment even than premesis nowadays

08 Dicember at 23:38 - by RRPH

who the hell is Kylie Jenner?

09 Dicember at 06:44 - by brandon6210

Kardashian…never mind.  Google her.  Youngest ever self-made billionaire.  It will blow your mind…

15 Dicember at 16:05 - by RRPH

It shows tho pick the riight market and it is there for the taking thanks everyone I will go ahead I think another question tho is how do you work out a payment plan with them I mean what do you pay them?

19 Dicember at 11:10 - by  alexpho

I have just looked it up, it looks like you can either pay a fixed sum, or an affiliate link which means you pay them a percentage of the revenue which comes directly through the link they promote…I think you can also do grabber discount i.e. use this code and something along the lines of the name of the influencer to use the discount which is anotehr way you can monitor it depending on how advanced your website is etc etc

19 Dicember at 22:22 - by brandon6210

ok great thanks 

20 Dicember at 08:24 - by  alexpho
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