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Online publishing

  • 09 August at 00:01 - by wannabe54 - 6113 views


I recently read that the author of Fifty Shades of Grey self published online and is obviously now a multimillionaire.  I am thinking of doing this with my friend's book and investing in her as it were, does anyone have any experience?

18 Answers

omg lol we all have a book in us

12 August at 21:23 - by Wayne.-M

I have just Googled this, what a brilliant idea I love it defo do it might do it myself thank you for the idea

13 August at 14:02 - by Kim_EW

be careful not to get caught up in scams though

14 August at 00:00 - by Steve_Gaskell

what sort of scams?

16 August at 09:46 - by Kim_EW

if you're successful, people will try to buy your rights etc

17 August at 07:37 - by Steve_Gaskell

just do it awesome

20 August at 21:30 - by Wayne.-M

yes but you can control it and decide the book price, the audience, everything.

21 August at 14:00 - by Kim_EW

that's what I thought, so I am going to give it a try.

23 August at 23:59 - by  wannabe54

good luck

24 August at 00:16 - by Kim_EW

OMG Wannabe 54 did you go ahead?  I have been wanting to do this for ages like WayneM says we all have a book in us!  I didn't know that the 50 Shades lady did it that way!

20 September at 15:02 - by EdiWalker

Do you know what I decided to do, I decided to start a Blog to ease myself in and not get so scared about the whole thing

21 September at 02:33 - by  wannabe54

What a brilliant idea I hadn't thought og that

22 September at 07:24 - by EdiWalker

everyuone is doing it nowadays and it is so easy to do.  I just set one up on my social media

23 September at 22:28 - by  wannabe54

ah so you write on your social media?

24 September at 08:50 - by EdiWalker

No I used a blog website free, then I post about the blog all the time on my social media and put extracts on it to see if people like it.  It helps you to see if your style of writing suits the peublic domain.

25 September at 06:37 - by  wannabe54

I see but the thing is my book is fictional not descriptive?

28 September at 20:07 - by EdiWalker

It doesn't matter though?  As long as you get into the spirit of writing, then your blog can be fictional, you just need to let your readers know then of course you can build up a following, this is what I am doing, so when I release my book I have a ready made audience who will download it.

30 September at 09:31 - by  wannabe54

Brilliant thank you so much for your davice!

30 September at 09:38 - by EdiWalker
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