Here you will find the most used tags or labels regarding investments. This ratio is calculated based on what our users write the most. Each label contains a list of questions and answers related to such concept.
investment x 81
act of putting money into a business, market, real estate, etc. with the objective of getting an additional profit or return.
investor x 81
person who puts money into a project with the expectation of getting additional incomes from it.
purchase x 22
the action of buying something, especially a property, by the payment of a certain amount of money.
money x 18
resource owned by an individual which is used as a medium of exchange in the form of coins, notes and transactions.
finance x 14
system which analyses the making of investments in the stock market or in a specific a company.
advice x 13
opinion or recommendation offered by a professional on the subject with the intention of clarifying any doubts.
company x 13
an association made up of people to carry on a business.
income x 13
the amount of money an investor receives through their investments.
real estate x 13
property which includes the land, the buildings that are built on it, and its natural resources.
asset x 12
an item of property with economic value owned by a person or company.
property x 12
real estate whose land belongs to somebody (owner).
profit x 10
financial benefit that gains the owner or the investor of a business activity.
help x 9
to guide a person through a business activity or to make it possible for somebody to deal with a legal situation.
gold x 8
a precious metallic element yellow in colour used to make coins and jewellery.
market x 7
professional area in which investor make their investments and dealings.
cryptocurrency x 6
a digital or virtual currency which uses cryptography to secure its transactions.
savings x 6
the money an individual saves or accumulates for a especially purpose, especially through a bank.
stock x 6
security which is translated as ownership in an enterprise. There are two types: common and preferred.
Bitcoin x 5
a form of electronic cash, also known as cryptocurrency, which can be traded for goods or services. This type of digital currency is not backed by any banks or governments, and uses encryption techniques to ensure transactions.
difference x 5
element that distinguishes two (or more) financial words we are comparing.
share x 5
a unit of ownership which represents an equal part of a company’s capital. Such parts are divided among a number of people, who have the right to obtain part of the company’s profits.
a new type of ownership, promoted by big hotel chains, which allows you to book in either of their hotels at no cost through a private travel center. The length of your stay depends on the number of days you buy in your ownership.
diamond x 4
a extremely hard form of carbon, considered as a precious stone, which is highly valued if it is transparent and flawless.
equity x 4
the common stock of a company. It could also mean ownership interest or claim of a holder of a property.
suggestion x 4
opinion about what an investor should do in a specific business activity.
bank x 3
a financial institution which saves and offers money in exchange for a specified interest rate.
option x 3
possibility or security you may have at your disposal when investing your money in the stock market.
bond x 2
debt security which certifies a contract between the bond issuer and the bondholder. The issuer (company, government) is obliged to pay the loan, along with a rate of interest, to the bondholder on the agreed date.
fund x 2
an amount of money saved or collected to invest in the stock market. See also equity securities.
insurance x 2
a contract which guarantees that the insured person will receive a compensation from financial loss in exchange for a monthly payment.
interest x 2
money an individual or company is obligated to pay for the use of borrowed money or for delaying a payment.
life insurance x 2
contract with an insurance policy which provides a lump-sum payment to the family of the insured if the insured dies.
procedure x 2
fixed steps that must be followed to perform any task. It is usually the official way of applying for something.
taxes x 2
sum of money imposed by the government for being able to support itself and to pay for public services.
Broker x 1
a licensed professional in the investing market who serves as a agent or intermediary in negotiating agreements, bargains or the like. Brokers buy and sell goods for others who usually lack knowledge in finance, insurance or real estate.
Takeover x 1
the action of gaining control of a company through the purchase or exchange of stock, usually done by another company.
copper x 1
a reddish-brown precious metal which is used for making coins. Due to its characteristics (profitable and durable), it has established as one of the most popular investments among beginners.
dash x 1
an open source peer-to-peer digital currency, also known as Darkcoin or XCoin. It is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market, and it was designed to work without a central bank or administrator.
expense x 1
the amount of money a business spends with the aim of doing business.
family insurance x 1
an insurance policy which provides medical coverage for a spouse, children or other dependents. These plans are usually offered by employers as a benefit for their employees. Such family coverage includes dental insurance, health insurance, life insurance or accidental death, among others.
franchise x 1
type of license granted by a company which allows an individual or group to sell its products under its name.
funding x 1
an amount of money given by a government or organization with the aim of providing financial resources to finance a project.
rate x 1
a fixed amount of money an individual is forced to pay a person or entity in exchange for something.
retirement x 1
permanent and definitive cessation of one's active working life, usually because of age, getting private or public pension benefits. People can also be forced to retire when bodily conditions does not allow them to keep working any longer.
savings account x 1
interest-bearing deposit account which allows you to deposit money and withdraw funds at a bank or another financial institution. These low-risk accounts let customers set aside a portion of their money while earning a monetary return, rates are relatively low though.
start-up x 1
name given to a company which has just been started.
stock market x 1
collection of markets where you have the possibility to buy, sell and trade stocks, which allow you to own a share of a public company.