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Care Home Investments

  • 10 September at 08:02 - by username4 - 3547 views


I have been looking at various managed investments for about £60k.  I have seen advertised various companies offering roughly 8% return over a period of time.  Has anyone any experience with this sort of thing?

9 Answers

definitely do it.  I have and I have so far got an annual return of 8% over my initial £70k investment.  I was in the same position, and I invested because it's a good ethical investment too.

11 September at 23:07 - by edinem

scam like im glad u had a gd experience but there are so many scams out there u shld b careful especially with all these nursing homes being in the news 4 beeting up there patients

12 September at 15:42 - by karen916

I am also interested

13 September at 08:25 - by elizabethinvesting

I like the ethical factor because there are so many old people in need and from what I;ve found with research is that they make sure the care home is doing what it should.  Obviously you have to make sure, but I think this just gives everyone peace of mind that at least there is money invested in it which is why I want to do it too.

13 September at 10:06 - by  username4

this was a huge motivation for me, and honestly I am really happy I invested.

15 September at 16:39 - by edinem

so how long do you have to wait for your money

15 September at 18:00 - by elizabethinvesting

well it's not really like that.  It's a long term investment which yealds you 8% annually.  I am invested for 25 years, although I can get my money out earlier than that.  but I have a 5 year min caveat.

15 September at 20:20 - by edinem

that's what's putting me off

16 September at 06:52 - by elizabethinvesting

each to their own, but it works for me

16 September at 09:07 - by edinem
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