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Online Dating Sites Investment

  • 22 November at 17:03 - by Kim_EW - 7323 views


Should I invest in online dating sites?  I am interested in the Match Group which owns Tinder, OKCupid, Hinge, etc etc.

10 Answers

Facebook!  Look at investing in Facebook!

22 November at 19:06 - by lea-h.trishP


23 November at 13:19 - by  Kim_EW

They are looking into going into online dating next year, and let’s face it, they have the biggest following of all and people trust them.

24 November at 00:38 - by lea-h.trishP

Trust them?  What about the Cambridge whatsitsname scandal?

25 November at 20:04 - by Belfast_investor

True, but I think you’ll find it would still work as you can access Tinder etc through FB anyway

25 November at 23:59 - by lea-h.trishP

Match all day long  they know what they are doing and you could definietly do well

26 November at 01:24 - by investbeginner

I hate online dating it is such a shame people dont even talk to each other any more its all swipe left or swipe right and all about appearance what if your not that good looking but you have banter where can that be seen no its a really sad thing

27 November at 11:18 - by Karl46

I totally understand your sentiment.  However, I am not looking to save the world from itself, i was just looking for a great investment!

27 November at 16:06 - by  Kim_EW

Hahaha and if you’re so against online dating, mate, then why are you on here and not trying to chat someone up in the pub with your banter!

28 November at 21:39 - by lea-h.trishP

I am on here to look at property investment if u must no

28 November at 22:00 - by Karl46
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