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Online surveys

  • 11 September at 19:52 - by MrQuestions - 4235 views


I want to earn some extra money - please can I have some advice about online surveys?

7 Answers

OMG really?  This is an investment forum!

12 September at 14:38 - by brittapete

leave them alone its for people interested in money so leave them alone I have looked at these and I dont do them cos you dont get paid in money you get paid in vouchers for like M&S and other places so you dont actually earn any money from them and you get a lot of spam emails so its a bit of a waist of time in my opinion

13 September at 10:08 - by dave-thompson-58

no, I did a quick search just now and I agree with the above comment

14 September at 00:27 - by EdiWalker

I tried and got really bored

14 September at 18:40 - by Mark_elliott

so it's not just me?!

16 September at 08:23 - by  MrQuestions

no and also I couldn't fine anyone who paid you in money!

17 September at 19:00 - by Mark_elliott

ahhhh yes I have found the same

18 September at 01:35 - by  MrQuestions
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