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Rolex Cosmograph Daytona Platinum Ice Blue Dial

  • 18 June at 21:43 - by BillyHelston - 8298 views


Somebody knows if the price of Rolex are the same all around the world? I want to buy this watch as in investment more than anything.

10 Answers

Hey… is the most expensive Rolex watch, at 75K USD!

18 June at 01:00 - by SueH

If you are looking for ab investment, look for several vintage pieces such as 1655 or 1665. There still have a market for it.

20 June at 13:42 - by Tyler-Jones53

You’re going to need to keep it unused to retain the maximum value.. Let say you keep it for 10 yrs, look at some of the improvements that Rolex have made the past 10 yrs.. There are better ways to invest 75K with less risk return on investment.

21 June at 09:16 - by taylor.milton

I’m flying to Japan next week and seems that is a lot less expensive than in UK or US, same in Singapore & Hong Kong, less expensive.

22 June at 15:08 - by Tyler-Jones53

I have just come across this thread and it seems a ludacrous idea!  Why buy such an expensive watch when you could buy several smaller Rolexes plus you must understand the market.  Some Rolexes hold their value more than others and I agree with taylor.milton it needs to be unworn

27 June at 15:27 - by Clare_G

Thanks for your input I bought 2 in the end from Dubai 

28 June at 03:15 - by  BillyHelston

I right sorry

28 June at 10:42 - by Clare_G

Are you thinking of investing I gather from your comment that you think this sort of thing is a bad idea

29 June at 18:30 - by  BillyHelston

Not necessarily I just think the prbolem is with designer goods yes they can retiain their value but it's like designer handbags too they have to be unused and it seems pointless to me to invest in something you can't even use in the hopes that one day you will sell it provided you can find a buyer and make a profit

30 June at 06:59 - by Clare_G

exactly I think the same and you want your investment to work for you not just sit there unusable.

03 July at 15:31 - by taylor.milton
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