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Investing in Art

  • 28 October at 03:10 - by titch272 - 4204 views


I love the idea of buying a piece of art to appreciate and also have as an investment, or am I being too idealistic?!

7 Answers

Funniliy enough I have just been looking at doing exactly the same thing, although you need to have deep pockets and be in it for the long haul.

28 October at 15:16 - by arthur.3

You have to look at the markets.  Art is fickle and terribly susceptible to fashion and trends.  Contemporary and modern art is the best bet, but you have to be mega-rich.

28 October at 17:07 - by mollettss

I was actually looking into a sort of fractional ownership of art, where you each own a quarter of the piece and have it for a certain amount of time, like timeshare lol.

29 October at 12:49 - by arthur.3

I have seen that option but for me, that would destroy the occasion of having the piece.

30 October at 00:26 - by  titch272

I agree.  It shouldn’t be looked upon as an investment like stocks and bonds, more as a hobby which gives dividends on the side.  Art is almost religious if you catch my drift. It should be passionate, not cold. I think the investment side has been made more famous in recent years as the super-rich want to diversify their portfolios.  Don’t get me wrong, if you can afford to buy a Warhol or Banksy then go for it!

30 October at 08:44 - by mollettss

Haha no not yet.

31 October at 11:22 - by  titch272

If you do decide to buy something, then just make sure you are not being ripped off and it is worth something!

01 November at 20:51 - by mollettss
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