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Investment in African minerals is a good deal?

  • 22 August at 21:52 - by jacobjake68 - 3913 views


Investment in African minerals is a good deal?

10 Answers

You better get a pocket full before committing

23 August at 15:15 - by WendymCl

I heard some place that there is 'one' born every minute.

23 August at 16:42 - by briantopher

I have sold off stocks of companies active in this area of the world, Africa.

24 August at 11:09 - by frederick-walt

Local governments in Sub-Saharan Africa are starting to claim a larger share of their countries’ mineral resource wealth, I believe that investments in the region will continue to rise.

25 August at 09:36 - by barbaraw

I would say keep calm, don’t be emotional, sit down and be rational.

26 August at 21:21 - by Jaynem

Yes I agreed with you usuario 5, weigh up the risks rationally and don’t get caught up in the rhetoric.

27 August at 06:20 - by ready123

Be fully informed and do your own full assessment, good luck!

28 August at 00:31 - by Mans0l0

I don’t think the industry is closed for business, there is enough reward for the risks in Africa.

29 August at 08:57 - by Alexshipton

The creation of infrastructure corridors within Africa will assist in making the continent more accessible to investors and South Africa will play an important part in this.

29 August at 20:04 - by LizinKLx

Thanks a lot guys!!

30 August at 05:34 - by  jacobjake68
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